Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) is a small and spineless cactus found in North America. It naturally occurs in the South of Texas in the US, and all across Mexico. The word peyote comes from the word peyotl from the Aztecan language Nahuatl, meaning “caterpillar cocoon”, in reference to the shape of the cactus. Crucially, there are many different psychoactive compounds found within the peyote cactus. Among them is mescaline, which is responsible for the majority of the psychedelic effects found in the cactus.
Peyote, has been used in Indigenous healing and spiritual practices for thousands of years. Grandfather Hikuri is an Ancestral medicine and great teacher who guides us. Through him we connect with Great Spirit, Mother Earth, and our Highest Self. He is a Healer of the spiritual heart. Hikuri cleanses and raises the vibration of our Spirit by bringing clarity to our Spiritual purpose in life opening us to the Divine Love of Great Spirit which is always in and around us. Physically he exterminates parasites and is alkalizing for our bodies, no dis-ease can live in an alkalized body.
The Native peoples in the Mexican states of Nayarit, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Jalisco, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas and in parts of Queretaro and Durango are known as the Huichol or Wixarika.
For the Wixárika people, hikuri is their most sacred plant. They call it a five-colored ‘flower’ (tutu), in reference to the five color varieties of corn. Hikuri is a fundamental pillar of their culture, as expressed by an elder from the community of San Andrés Cohamiata:
“Hikuri is the great teacher who guides us. Through hikuri we know ourselves, we connect with nature and the gods. Hikuri manifests itself in the voice of the kauyumarie [deer] who tell us what to do, whom to remember and to worship. It unites us with our past, our family and our spouse. From it we learn art, songs, ceremonies, and the offerings that we must make. It has always been there to guide us, to remind us who we are, who we should always be.”
Hikuri is a sacred teaching medicine cactus that grows northern Mexico, specifically in Wirikuta Dessert (San Luis Potosi, Mex). From ancient times “The medicine of the dessert” Hikuri has been a remedy for awakening self-knowledge, obtaining clear answers as well as for healing physical and emotional-self. The ingest of Hikuri will be done through a traditional Wixarica ceremony led by Maraákame (medicine man and holy singer). Hikuri ceremony is a maximum connection with the elements of nature: Air, water, earth, rain, oceans, thunder, sky and fire to transmute negative to positive and to reinforce our intentions. We will link to the Grandfather “Tatewari” (Fire) and will listen to the Bigbrother “Kauyumarie” the blue deer (Spirit of Hikuri). Throughout the Ceremony we will elevate the state of consciousness, thoughts will be clearer and a deep vision will help us to unblock the Ego to reach inner peace.

Hikuri benefits:
- Purification of the spirit,
- Connection to the Universe,
- Inner peace,
- Clear vision,
- Power of projection,
- Renewal of consciousness
The Huicholes say that the Peyote is the sun on earth. In the desert, only trace amounts of rain fall each year. So, the Peyote thrives on pure sunlight, and when you eat it that sunlight shines within you, illuminating and healing all from within, gifting the energy of the sun, making the body and the spirit strong, and reminding the heart that it too is a sun. The fire, or Tatewari, is also the sun on earth and as we stare into the flames of the fire throughout the night, we can feel the flame within our hearts growing stronger and brighter. The Huicholes say that if you eat enough medicine in the garden, a portal or doorway will appear in front of you and if you walk through the portal, you will be met by on old man or an old woman on the other side who will heal you and teach you many things. This is the spirit of the sun, the spirit of Peyote.
The Peyote Ceremony
We start at sunset, sitting in a circle around the sacred fire. The ceremony is held in teepee or in open air in protected circle. Beside the medicine man there is always a group of people supporting the ceremony: fire keeper, door keeper, cedar women. The ceremony is held in a traditional way, singing Icaros all night. Everyone is encouraged to sing and gets an opportunity to do so. With singing the medicine takes us deeper. Usually there is 3-4 rounds of medicine throughout the night, every time we dive deeper. The medicine comes in a form of dried powder and medicine tea, sometimes also in third form mixed with cacao.
In peyote ceremony it is all about the community, connection to our ancestors, to our family. We dive into our personal journey but also, we are all the time in awareness of higher purpose connected to our community.
During the night there are different parts of ceremony, each with specific intention. In every part the medicine man also prays with sacred tobacco. Peyote ceremony is truly an amazing experience that cannot be described in words.
We also train patience and stamina, as we are present all night, sitting correctly and being in here and now with our awareness.
The ceremony ends at sunrise with an offering for all the elements, that we share in the circle.